The internet has helped investors to access information about stocks more easily. We have repeatedly looked into internet searches as a proxy for attention – and on how they affect liquidity and volatility. Today, we look at the type of… Continue Reading →
Yes, social media can predict returns in financial markets – as we discussed in a previous post. The general mechanism: investors gather information via social media, or social media captures their attention. Social media as a news channel? But which… Continue Reading →
What came first? The chicken or the egg? In financial markets, we sometimes ask a similar question. Does investor attention affect market returns? Or do extreme market returns draw investor attention? Nadia Vozlyublennaia tries to solve this question in her… Continue Reading →
They say a Friday can make or break your stardom in Hollywood. However, in the world of financial markets, Fridays are slow – or at least appear to be. In a previous post, we looked into how firms hide bad… Continue Reading →
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